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Remember the days of rabbit ear antennas on your television sets? If you were lucky enough to find the exact seating position in your living room to optimize your body’s own magnetic field and the tilt of the earth’s axis, these beauties could tune in your favorite show with the crystal clarity of a thick San Francisco fog. If – heaven forbid – you wanted to tune to another channel, this required a coordinated, 2 handed effort of spinning and rotating the antennas, the likes of which would rival even the most skilled of Olympic fencers.

The point here is that no matter what show you wanted to watch, you could pick it up on your set, but only if the antenna was functioning properly and only if it was aligned in the right position. The signal was always in the air, but whether or not your show came in clearly depended upon the antenna’s ability to transfer the signal to your TV set.

For those of you struggling with your health, keep in mind that you always have the potential for improvement. Your body was created by an intelligence that is unerring, infallible, and always on the job, and this intelligence is expressed through the body’s energetic meridian system.

Research shows that acupuncture can help with many more health problems other than just for pain and aches. The problem is usually not with the meridian system itself, but rather with the transmission of energy through the body. Just like the old VHF signals being broadcast over the air, the energy is always present; the signal is always there. Remaining healthy is a matter of transferring that signal as efficiently as possible to all parts of your body, and in this case your meridian system functions as the antenna. The farther out of balance your system becomes, the weaker the signal gets. Bringing the merdians back into its proper balance allows for the signal to broadcast at full strength.

Imbalances choke off vital energy traveling throughout the body, but instead of a fuzzy picture, you get sciatic pain, headaches, asthma, fatigue, numbness, digestive disorders, allergies, chronic sickness, etc.

Acupuncture works by supporting and balancing the “signals” being broadcast by your body and laying the ground for optimum expression of health. Clearing the meridian system of imbalances allows the free flow of energy to every cell, organ, nerve, and tissue, resulting in crystal clear, HD reception and picture-perfect health.

Are You Hitting the Snooze Button?

The chirping of the alarm barely rouses you enough to pry one arm out from under the blanket. Your hand automatically navigates its way to the bedside nightstand and inches its way to the alarm clock, a move ingrained by years of repetition.
Despite your best intentions of arising on time, not only do you sleep through the first alarm, but somehow manage to hit the snooze button twice more, rationalizing to yourself that you don’t need that much time to get ready for work anyway.
Finally, the Critical Alert goes off in your head. GET UP NOW OR GET FIRED!
You shower at hyper-speed, grab breakfast on the run, and you’re out the door. If only you can beat your boss to the office…
The bad news: The boss man is already waiting for you at your desk.
The good news: You don’t have to worry about your alarm in the morning.
The problem in this scenario is not that you ignored your alarm, but that you did it day after day after day; until finally your whole life was thrown so far out of balance that you simply could not recover once you hit your tipping point.
Unfortunately, the same story is played out every day by those of us who ignore our own internal “alarms”, otherwise known as symptoms. You see, symptoms are your body’s warning systems, built in to alert you of a potential crisis.
What are your options when symptoms arise?
First, you could choose to do nothing, which is what most people do-at least for a while. Many hope that by ignoring the problem it will somehow go away. Even if the pain eventually subsides, the underlying cause rarely resolves on its own.
When ignoring the problem proves ineffective, your next course of action might be to pop a pill. This is what most of us have been encouraged to do (mostly by the kind-hearted souls who make the drugs). Drugging a symptom is like hitting the snooze on the alarm. It just delays the inevitable, which is the fact that you eventually have to wake up and address your problem in a sensible, effective manner.
That brings us to your third option: Acupuncture. The focus of acupuncture care is to remove meridian system blockages and imbalances within the body, allowing the free flow of the bodies energy and to express 100% life. Symptoms don’t exist in the absence of an underlying imbalance. Eliminate the cause and the symptom goes away once and for all.

Great Taste… And So Much

One of the best things you can do for your body is to feed it real, wholesome, nutritious foods. If you can find locally grown organic products, even better. The benefits of going organic include less pesticide contamination, higher nutrient content, no genetic modifications, no irradiation, more humane treatment of animals and respect for the land, and better taste. Of all these health benefits, the only subjective one is taste.

So let’s say you are looking over some produce and you are deciding whether to go organic or stick with the conventional version. If your primary concern is the health of you and your family, then it’s a no-brainer; go with the organic. If, however, your decision is based solely on taste, it’s a toss up, as some report a distinct advantage to organic while others claim no taste difference between organic and conventional.

Here’s the point. If you are making your purchasing decisions based entirely on taste, you are risking missing out on all the other healthy benefits of choosing organic.

When it comes to acupuncture and the health of your body, pain relief is like the organic taste test.

While most people are prompted to pursue acupuncture care as the result of pain or other symptoms, those who limit it to simple pain relief are cheating themselves of so much more.

The real impact of acupuncture lies in its ability to help the body heal and regulate itself. We know that energy flows in the meridian system, and that imbalances and blockages of energy in the meridian system lead to various symptoms and signs.

Whether imbalances are felt or not, the end result is the same: loss of the normal flow of the body’s energy and compromised health.

Roughly 15-20% of the time these imbalances result in pain. Most of the time, however, they cause no symptoms and go undetected. So if the majority of people who are out of balance with blocked energy flow base their decision to choose acupuncture solely on the way they feel, then they will most likely delay care, and their health will continue to decline. Organic is not just about taste, and acupuncture certainly isn’t only about pain relief.

While feeling great is desirable, the full scope of acupuncture’s benefits can only be realized beyond the initial relief phase of care. Once you are feeling better, be sure to utilize acupuncture for ongoing health and wellness. Pain relief, like great taste, is just the tip of the iceberg!


Is It a Miracle?

It is not uncommon to hear patients talk to others about their “acupuncture miracles.”

To someone suffering with severe migraines for years on end, and who has tried every drug and medical remedy under the sun, it might seem like a miracle to get relief after just a few simple acupuncture treatments.

To the woman pronounced infertile, it certainly seems miraculous when she is able to finally conceive.

To the man with chronic lower back pain and sciatica, the relief from pain is expected, but the miracle comes in the form of better digestion and improved bowel and bladder function.

We tend to consider these events miracles because as a whole we have grown so accustomed to living life with chronic, sometimes debilitating ailments, that after a while they just become part of us and are accepted as normal.

On top of that, medicinal treatments, while offering at best symptomatic relief, do nothing to actually correct the underlying problem and bring the body back into its natural balance. Therefore, when perpetually treating a condition with medicine it is easy to become resigned to living with the vicious cycle of relief while on the drug (outside of the medicine’s inherent side effects), and the return of the symptoms when the drug wears off. To those raised on the medical model this is as good as it gets.

So when they finally find acupuncture and discover what it means to be truly healthy and allow the body to fully express itself mentally, physically, and emotionally from the inside out, it is only natural to consider it miraculous. Especially given the torturous path that finally led them to acupuncture in the first place.

But what does it say about our general state of health that when the body is functioning as it was designed to and simply expressing life as it was meant to be, we tag it a “miracle”?

It is sobering that the majority of us have settled for way too long to live a life so far below our natural potential that we have forgotten what it feels like to be wholly healthy and well. The true miracle is that we allow ourselves to be abused by such an inefficient, often dangerous, system of medical care.

The acupuncturist works no miracles and heals nothing, but rather removes blockages and restores balance in the body, allowing the body’s wisdom to go to work and express health and life the only way it knows how. A life that more and more people are discovering is easily within their grasp.


Protect Your Investment

Buying an automobile, is probably one of the biggest financial investments you’ll make. When you consider all the hard work that went into your purchase I’m sure you would agree that it only makes sense to protect your investment so that you get as much return on it as possible. You understand that even though your car runs great, performs magnificently, and looks wonderful on the outside it is imperative that you keep up with regularly scheduled maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Routine oil changes are essential to the life of your car’s engine. It would be foolish to sink tens of thousands of dollars into a new vehicle only to neglect the maintenance and drive it to an early grave.
Restoring your health through acupuncture requires an investment of both your time and money, and is truly one of the best investments you can make for yourself. If you have completed, or are in the process of following through with a schedule of comprehensive acupuncture treatments, then congratulations on your commitment to excellent health! However, to remain at the pinnacle you worked so hard to achieve it is essential to incorporate acupuncture wellness care into your lifestyle.
Once you have completed an initial or comprehensive care plan it is important to follow up with routine visits to maintain your newfound level of health. After all, if it was worth the investment to regain your health, then you owe it to yourself to maintain it.
The key is to remain proactive and to stay one step ahead of potential problems before they have a chance to develop. It is far less costly to take your car to the mechanic for routine maintenance work than it is to wait for a breakdown.
Keep in mind, however, that even with routine automotive maintenance there is still the potential to develop trouble between service appointments. When the warning lights on your dash alert you to a problem, it is best to get it checked right away rather than wait until your next scheduled service.
The same goes for your body. When pain, injuries, or illness occur between wellness visits, resist the temptation to hold out until your next scheduled visit. If your body is talking to you, listen to it. The sooner a problem is addressed, the easier and more cost effective it is to get you over it.
Your body is meant to last you a lifetime. It is not leased and there is no trading it in. Isn’t it time you started caring for your body as well as you treat your car? Just like oil changes, fuel line flushes, and tire rotations, wellness visits will keep you running strong for a lifetime!

Balance Your Health with Acupuncture

Life is described as many things by different people, but one thing it can never be defined as is stagnant.
Life is always changing, evolving, increasing, or decreasing in capacity. It is in a constant state of flux.
While you are sitting there seemingly doing nothing, your body is always on the job building and repairing tissue, creating new cells, growing hair and nails, digesting food, etc.

The degree to which your body is able to do these things depends primarily upon the health and vibrancy of your meridian system. There are certainly other factors that come into play such as proper nutrition, level of exercise and adequate rest, but even their potency is diminished when shackled by a weakened supply of energy flowing through the meridian system.

Life is supported by the meridian system and emanates outward into all of your cells, muscles, nerves, organs and tissues. All other variables being equal, the body is at its healthiest when there is a steady and free flow of energy within the meridian system.

When the meridian system is blocked, or out of balance, your quality of life diminishes. Think of it as a hose that is pinched and not able to supply the adequate amount of water to a growing plant. Eventually the plant will die from lack of water.

It is not necessarily safe to assume that you are at your healthiest, or to put it another way, at your most alive, simply because you are living, breathing, and exhibiting no obvious pain or symptoms.
While your level of health may seem completely stable on the outside, in actuality it can be fluctuating under the surface. A cavity quickly becomes a very painful toothache when the nerve is exposed, but the process leading up that point can take months, or even years. Nobody would argue that all the while the tooth was unhealthy under the surface even in the absence of symptoms.

To ensure that your body remains at its healthiest, it is essential to maintain a balanced, optimally functioning meridian system and to continually supply your body with the power that it needs to thrive. To merely be symptom-free is not enough. 

While many people associate acupuncture with pain relief, the true essence of an acupuncture treatment is to support the normal and balanced flow of energy within the body.



It’s almost a newborn’s rite of passage. A baby can’t escape having its looks scrutinized to determine what he/she got from whom. Grandma’s nose, Dad’s eyes, Mom’s mouth, Grandpa’s ears, and on and on.

What we never consider is that maybe the baby inherited someone’s constitutional imbalance as well. Out of sight out of mind, right?
Well, when consulting with patients, it is not uncommon to hear things like, “I get migraine headaches just like my mom used to.” Or, “I remember my dad having the same exact lower back pain I’ve been dealing with.” Or, “My kids have horrible allergy problems just like I do.”

How is it possible that conditions like this are passed on from generation to generation? After all, we’re talking about symptoms here, not looks and physical traits.

When you begin to understand where symptoms come from, one explanation becomes abundantly clear.
First of all, remember that symptoms themselves are not a problem. They are a product of the underlying cause and they also serve as your body’s warning system. So for a certain symptom pattern to be passed on from parents to their children there must be a common underlying cause that triggers the outward symptom, and most often that cause is rooted in the meridian system.

When we look at the distribution of the meridian system, it is quickly apparent that each of the meridians supply energy to a specific organ and part of the body.

By tracing the symptom back to its origin in the meridian system, examination often reveals that parent and child have the same pattern of imbalance and tend to develop a similar pattern of symptoms and signs. 

So the symptoms aren’t inherited, but rather the pattern that produces those symptoms. To continually treat the symptom is useless in the long run. The most effective strategy is to correct the underlying cause (meridian imbalance) and let the symptoms take care of themselves. 

A child who inherits “clumsiness” from a parent will eventually develop the bumps and bruises that come with it. The point is that he doesn’t inherit the bruises, but rather the propensity to develop them. Work on correcting the clumsiness, and the bruises go away.